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Martes 31 de marzo de 2020

¡Buenos días!

Os dejamos aquí el blog de la asignatura de Religión, para que podáis hacer las tareas que os vayan poniendo allí:


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Educación Física

A RE YOU READY TO DANCE? TUESDAY, 17TH MARCH 2020. Hi guys! As we can't practice Physical Education during these weeks together I would like you to practice this coreography at home. Let's dance!!                                      ARE YOU READY TO PLAY? THURSDAY, 12TH MARCH 2020. Hi guys!! Next, I give you some ideas to play from home during these days! Enjoy! I miss you! Familias cualquier duda que tengáis me podéis escribir a: MORE GAMES... Hi guys! I hope you and your families are all well! Next, you have a video with many game to practice some of them at home! have fun!! I miss you!!


¡Hola chic@s! Aquí tenéis el enlace a la nueva actividad de música para ésta semana: ¡Espero que la disfrutéis!